present two main profiles of professional drivers: those who are engaged in collecting and delivering goods within their own region or neighboring areas, and those who cover long distances, spending lengthy periods away from home. Fatores determinantes da atividade dos motoristas de caminhão e repercussões à saúde: um olhar a partir da análise coletiva do trabalho. Most drive around 10,000km per month, working an average of 11 hours per day. Almost all are men, and most are aged 30-50, have completed Elementary school, have between 15 and 18 years of experience, and earn a net income between R$3.300,00 and R$4.100,00 around half of them are in debt and have observed a drop in the demand due to the financial crisis. Contrasting with the more general outlook of the ANTT, this project addressed a sample of 1066 individuals concentrating on the independent workers in the industry (68.4%). Pesquisa CNT de Rodovias 2017: relatório gerencial. Ī recent survey by the Confederação Nacional de Transportes (CNT, National Transport Confederation) offers a general profile of the category ( Confederação Nacional de Transportes, 2016 Confederação Nacional do Transporte, Serviço Social do Transporte, & Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem do Transporte. Journal of Transport Literature, 8(4), 187-226. Custos e fretes praticados no transporte rodoviário de cargas: uma análise comparativa entre autônomos e empresas. Their own wellbeing is a secondary concern, even in terms of calculating costs, with fuel expenses making up a far larger proportion of freight costs than the workers’ own income ( Araújo, Bandeira, & Campos, 2014 Araújo, M. All of these individuals are under pressure to accept severely degrading working conditions, such as extremely lengthy workdays, severe difficulty in changing their vehicles, or undertaking regular checks or safety items. ), who are subcontracted by the former and paid by the amount of work that they accomplish. Dispõe sobre o transporte rodoviário de cargas por conta de terceiros e mediante remuneração e revoga a Lei no 6.813, de 10 de julho de 1980. These independent workers have no links or assurance of rights under the regulations of the Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (CLT, Consolidation of Labor Laws), comprising Transportadores Autônomos de Cargas (TACs, Independent Freight Transporters) and Auxiliary TAC ( Presidência da República, 2007 Presidente da República (Brasil).

They may be employees of transportation companies or self-employed truck drivers. Brasília: Recuperado em outubro 25, 2019, de The Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações (CBO, Brazilian Classification of Occupations) defines the role as the activity of individuals who transport, collect, and deliver freight, pick up broken-down vehicles, provide mechanical assistance, verify documentation, plan routes, and oversee safety procedures and regulations ( Ministério do Trabalho, 2014 Ministério do Trabalho (Brasil). This equates to some two million workers, with a significant proportion of them being subcontracted self-employed professionals.Īlthough truck driving is a profession that goes back many decades, it was first regulated in 2012. Registro Nacional de Transportadores Rodoviários de Cargas.

The World Economic Forum places Brazil 103rd out of 137 countries in terms of infrastructure, trailing behind its Latin American peers – Chile (24th), Ecuador (29th), Uruguay (95th), and Argentina (96th) (Confederação Nacional do Transporte, Servião Social do Transporte, & Servião Nacional de Aprendizagem do Transporte, 2017).Ī report issued by the Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT, Brazilian National Ground Transport Agency) shows total registrations in the Registro Nacional de Transportadores Rodoviários de Cargas (RNTRC, National Road Freight Transport Registry) as of late 2016, comprising a total of 783,947 transporters, being 622,328 self-employed professionals, 161,264 companies, and 355 cooperatives, with a combined fleet of 1,975,871 vehicles ( Associação Nacional de Transportes Terrestres, 2019 Associação Nacional de Transportes Terrestres. The Brazilian road network includes 212,866 km of paved roads as well as 1,365,426 km of unpaved roads, with many stretches in an extremely poor state of preservation and infrastructure. Further complexity is added by the continent-spanning size of the country, with the vast contrasts that this implies.

The road logistics sector currently accounts for 61% of freight and 95% of passenger transport in Brazil.